
        W e  M a g a z i n e  I s s u e  1 7 ,  V o l u m e  4

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              Hunger is a signifying system:
        the ground
                                          and precondition
        of knowledge                      of itself.
        Outside of hunger
                                          hunger can't mean.
        Inside of hunger
        the movement of the body is not desire
                                          but hunger
        re produces itself.
        The body is a sign
                                          disappearing into hunger.
        Outside of hunger
                                          the questions about freedom
        could have to do with art
        or driving in New Jersey.
        Inside of hunger
                                there are no questions about freedom.
        Hunger                  answers itself with the body
        the body                answers itself with the body
        the answer                              is hunger.
        Inside of hunger
                                the silence stands for a scream.
        Outside of hunger
              silence stands for silence.


Vol. 5