W e M
a g a z i n e I s s u e 1 7 , V o l u m e 5
How to Compose
Stay away from
musical instruments. Write
anything as long
as you can hear it inside.
Mary had a little
lamb. Practise hearing this
until it replaces
internal monolog at all hours of
the day and night.
Subject it to augmentation,
diminution, inversion,
retrograde, series. Break
it into pieces,
hear it major and minor. Remember
continuous variation
is the natural state of the mind.
When you can hear
it run through variation after
variation without
interruption forget it. The ear is
ready. Listen to
the body. When you hear 13 breaths
per 72 heart beats
the chaos of aural data falls into
writable patterns.
This is the voice of the muse.